Sunday, April 12, 2020

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Essays (2345 words) - RTT, Embryology

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects is a problem running rampant and out of control all across America. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the effect of pregnant women-drinking alcohol. Through education, we can eradicate this expensive and debilitating disease that is plaguing our children and our country. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome was first diagnosed about 25 years ago. A group of doctors at the University of Washington in Seattle corned the term Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in 1973 (Dorris 143). Prior to this Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects children were misdiagnosed as problem children or Learning Disabled. Some were mistaken for bad kids and sent to homes for juvenile delinquents. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a grouping of defects that may occur in infants born to women who drink alcohol during pregnancy. Amy Nevitt states, FAS, the leading cause of retardation in the west affects more than 8000 babies in the United States every year. FAS is a birth defect caused by a woman's consumption of alcohol while she is pregnant. FAS is one hundred percent preventable, however, because of their mother's decision to drink alcohol during pregnancy, none of the thousands of affected babies had a chance to be born normal (13). As stated by the British Columbia Fetal Alcohol Community Action Guide (B.C. FAS), ?Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a condition affecting some children born to women who drank heavily during pregnancy? (7). Fetal Alcohol Effects is a term used to describe Partial FAS. The B.C. FAS says the new term for describing FAE effects is Alcohol-Related Birth Defects (ARBD)(9). FAE is best described by the B.C. FAS who says, ?FAE has been used to imply a ?milder' form of FAS, but the cognitive and behavioral problems described by FAE (now partial FAS and ARND) can be very debilitating, causing life long disability which is not ?mild' or insignificant? (8). As written in the B.C. FAS booklet: ?Partial FAS is the recommended term used to describe the cluster of problems facing those, who have: [SIC] evidence of some of the characteristic facial abnormalities associated with FAS [,] evidence of one other component of FAS, i.e. growth deficiency or brain damage, including behavioural and cognitive problems when it is known that there was significant exposure to alcohol in utero?. (8) We ask ourselves what causes Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects! Amy Nevitt articulates, ?Alcohol is a teratogenic drug. This means that it can cause birth defects? (15). The more information we have about alcohol and its effects the sooner we can help stop this debilitating disease. Lyn Weiner and Barbara A. Morse declares: Ethanol has the potential to cause a greater variety of metabolic and physiologic disturbances of fetal development than any other commonly ingested substance. The clinical and experimental literature provides an ever-increasing understanding of the mechanisms underlying alcohol's adverse effects on fetal development. Effects vary with each gestational stage. Alcohol consumption throughout pregnancy is associated with the most severe outcome. The demonstrated benefits when heavy drinking ceases reinforces the value of providing supportive therapy to women at risk. The prenatal setting is an important site for prevention of alcohol-related birth defects. Identification and treatment of problem drinking pregnant women holds the greatest promise for the prevention of alcohol-related birth defects. (145) As stated by Weiner and Morse, through experimental studies clinical observations have shown ?structural growth and behavioral defects in association with maternal ethanol exposure?. The consumption of alcohol has since been widely acknowledged to be a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcome (126-27). Drinking when pregnant causes damage to the fetus. According to Nevitt, ?The amount of damage depends on the frequency, quantity, and timing of the mother's alcohol consumption? (18). The facts of how many pregnant women who drink while pregnant, according to Nevitt is, ? About 16 percent of pregnant women drink enough alcohol to be at risk for bearing children with some negative effects (13). It is unclear how much alcohol consumption a pregnant woman can or can not drink during pregnancy (Nevitt 17,18). The best thing is to abstain from drinking any alcoholic beverages while pregnant. Signs of FAS include low birth weight and an abnormally small head; facial deformities such as small and narrow or very

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