Friday, May 15, 2020

Conflict Resolution Avoiding Conflict Style-Leadership

Avoiding Conflict Style-When confronted with a challenge, leaders prefer to ignore or escape elsewhere. While that tact may work for the leader, it may increase the complexity and stress of the subordinate’s experience. Leaders may also be very lax when employee behavior disintegrates below an acceptable standard. Avoiding conflict may be warranted when a leader witnesses a discussion by two peers who have opposing albeit, constructive solutions to the same problem. By taking the time to listen to both approaches and offering a common framework to evaluate without bias, avoiding conflict may help to mature employees through experience while empowering action a the lowest level without unnecessary coaching. Accommodating Conflict Style-This is often when leaders capitulate to the needs of the opposing group. A leader may feel uncertain about their personal fortitude or the capability and capacity of their workforce to proceed. Middle managers may take issue with a policy change that affects their employees benefit package. Upon initial engagement with their strategic leadership, the manager determines the external stressors where significant enough to warrant a change of leadership opinion. Upon further research, the manager validates the external forces that require the actions of their leader’s to change entitlement policies or risk bankruptcy and mass layoff. The manager shares their perspective with honesty to his employees. Forcing Conflict Style-Is anShow MoreRelatedAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Diversity Portfolio1594 Words   |  7 PagesI am avoiding problems, and avoiding interactions in many aspects of our daily life. I tend to avoid being put into a zone which compiled on many different kinds of people, as I tend to find allying with others difficult. This might also cause problems such as I am not determined. I am not staying in my mind in one decision and might follow the trend with the public. 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