Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Socrates Guilty or Innocent of Charges Essay - 2093 Words

Socrates: Was He Guilty or Innocent of the Crimes He Was Charged With? Most of the information that we learn about Socrates comes from the work and writings of one of his students, Plato. It has been alleged that the great Philosopher wrote nothing down for others to read, and as such, the knowledge and the teachings from Socrates that is relied upon to convey his philosophy and the epic story of his life comes not from himself, but his students who attempt to provide and accurate picture of the methods and philosophical beliefs held by their mentor and teacher. The Apology is one of the many written dialogues written by Plato that discuss how Socrates was arrested and charged with corrupting the youth of Athens; teaching†¦show more content†¦However, his defense lacked meaning for the jurors and was met with disbelief. Plato, himself, wonders if Socrates in a sense, was his own worst enemy by making statements contrary, stating that he had attained a type of wisdom that the jurors lacked and that was a solid awareness of his own ignorance an d lack of knowledge. The goal of Socrates never ending questions, it appears, is to help the common person achieve the self knowledge that he had acquired, even if it ended up hurting himself in the end. He attempts to use his Sophist thinking in his defense, not understanding himself that this way of logically thinking rarely if ever is successful unless you are speaking with, or arguing against shares your way of thinking and philosophy. Although, I truly believe that the death sentence was barbaric and unnecessary, it really was Socrates who determined his own fate. Even after his conviction he refused to sway from his philosophical ideologies and belief system. Given the choice of being exiled from Athens or committing himself to abandon his techniques of talking with and questioning others openly, he maintained that and unexamined life is not worth living, (Apology 38a) and would rather die that not practice and teach his Philosophy to others. Platos highly regarded depic tion of a man willing to faceShow MoreRelated Argument in the Apology Essay897 Words   |  4 Pagesphilosopher Plato is whether, notorious speaker and philosopher Socrates is corrupting the youth by preaching ungodly theories and teaching them unlawful ideas that do harm to individuals and society. 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